Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Palin Rebellion

I was born in 1979, well before the beginning of the Reagan Revolution, however, almost from birth, I was politically active. President Reagan was and is my hero for his firm conservative values. I've oft heard the term "Reagan Revolution" tossed about in daily conservation, but it wasn't until Tuesday night that I fully came to appreciate the incredible achievement that was the Reagan Revolution.

To me, "establishment" was just "hippie" speak for regular folk who chose to work (and bathe). Upon Christine O'Donnell's "stunning" (only to those who continue to have their heads up their posterior ends) victory, though, and Karl Roves vicious attacks on her, though, "establishment" became so much more. In 2008, when Governor Palin was selected as McCain's running mate, there were those that were putting her down, and wringing their hands because she wasn't "polished" or from the right pedigree a la Lisa MurCOWski. I didn't care, because I was relieved I'd finally have a reason to vote for the Republican ticket instead of against Obama. As time went on, the attacks on Governor Palin, and her family, continued, and I started to see that a group of elitist creeps seemed to sit atop the Republican Party. Rove's rant revealed just how deeply the "establishment" disdained us average folk, though.

From the announcement of Sarah Palin as the VP candidate, I've had an ideological love affair with this lady who so amazingly encapsules everything I want to be. For years, as a conservative woman, I've oft felt as though there was no real place for me in the political spectrum. Oh sure, there was Ann Coulter, and Laura Ingraham, but Sarah! . . . she represented that we had a place INSIDE the political spectrum, and not just as bystanders or commentators, but as actual participants. Since she's came to the forefront, other conservative women's stars have begun to shine from Michele Bachmann all the way to Christine O'Donnell.

These women, along with Jim DeMint and few others, have led the charge against the "establishment", who I prefer to call the entrenched, in DC. Don't get me wrong, this movement is not about sex (to the disappointment of liberals, I'm sure, as they are so focused on this masturbation nonsense, one has to wonder if any of them has a healthy or normal sex life)! It's about every single individual who is tired of being trampled by a government that grows more tyrannical every single day. It's about those of us who are tired of the same broken promises every election cycle.

Sarah represents all of us, because she was one of us. She was a mother, who got involved in her school's PTA because she wanted to change the direction of her children's education, and she did, and then she moved on to mayor because she wanted to improve her small city and she did and she went on to become governor, not because her daddy held the seat or her grandpappy founded some agency, but because she took her message to the people and it was a message they not only wanted to hear, but one they wanted to succeed. Now, we have every day citizens, JUST LIKE SARAH PALIN, jumping up, throwing their hats in the ring and winning.

And Karl Rove can't take it. No, these candidates aren't perfect because they weren't born to families who could ensure that they led perfect lives. Where have all these "perfect" politicians gotten us? No where, and fast. Sarah was a trailblazer because she, as an average citizen, said, I'm not taking your corruption, and I'm not letting you waste MY tax dollars on NOTHING. She fought those entrenched in her own party as well as the opposition party.

And Karl Rove can't stand it. Because if there are more Sarah's and more Christine's there will be less Karls, and Murkowskis, and Crists, and hopefully McCains.

I'm proud to be a part of this Palin Rebellion! I'm proud to be an oridinary citizen, who isn't perfect, who didn't attend the right schools and I could give a fig what the "establishment" thinks or has to say. I stand with Sarah and I can't wait to send a shockwave through DC.