Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Not just marking time...

The title of my blog is from President Reagan's farewell address in January, 1989. My favorite passage of the speech reads, "My friends, we did it. We weren't just marking time, we made a difference. We made the city stronger, we made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad. Not bad at all." I get misty eyed every time I hear that particular excerpt (Yes, I have it on my iPhone, and listen to it almost daily), especially when I think of the current condition of our country.

I also think of how easy it is to get discouraged and feel like it's impossible to have an impact as just one person. Almost everyone I know is counting down the days until Nobember 2010, and November 2012, where our impact as "one individual" can combine and help turn the country around. We are doing more than that, though. We aren't "just marking time" and counting down. We are all making a difference daily, by being outspoken at work, at tea parties, and most importantly, (in the eyes of any Reagan conservative, anyway ;) ) at the dinner table, which is where, as we all know, all great change starts.

A couple of nights ago, I attended a Republican Women's meeting for the first time. I had put off getting involved for several years. In college and law school, I had been an active participant in several campaigns, from George W. Bush's first election, and re-election, down to Congressman (later Governor) Ernie Fletcher's election, as well as a host of other campaigns in between. After school, I moved back to the small town of Beattyville, and the local elections weren't something that were really inspiring to me. Congressman Hal Rogers is my Congressman. He rarely has an opponent and does an excellent job. Something changed, though, this year, and it seemed urgent that I get involved. I finally paid my dues to join the club, but almost missed the first meeting, because being naturally blonde, I am forgetful. I attended, and felt incredibly bolstered after attending the meeting. What a great group of inspiring women!! I am honored to be able to listen and learn from them as time goes on.

The sense of urgency I felt appears to be universal amongst those of us who realize that we are quickly losing our country. (For the record, that is in no way a reference to race, nor does that comment have ANY racial undertones, but it is directed at the philosophy and policies of this administration.) I've attended several tea parties, although, of late, have avoided the local ones, as it appears the kooky side is coming out. (More on that later. I don't want to ruin my introduction with a discussion of Paulestineans.) I've always been fairly active, but my activity level has soared, and I've met some really great FRiends and friends. I do feel like what I can only imagine my father felt like as he took part in the Reagan Revolution. (Thanks, Dad, for that!) I am energized by others, and I hope they are energized by me. Slowly, I've gone from being dejected, to being enthusiastic and more involved than ever before.

So yes, I am counting down the days until November 2010 and November 2012, but I am NOT just marking time, and neither is anyone else!

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